Spring - Birdwoods Arrowtown
Hello to all our Birdwoods customers. Spring has arrived and much has been happening at Birdwoods Arrowtown over the winter - here is a little update..
The Arrowtown Gallery
Charlotte, our gallery manager, and I recently gave the gallery a refresh, installing new sculptures, canvases, and adding some other exciting stock to the mix, all of which can be viewed on our website.
A personal favourite, James Mapayi’s ‘Everlasting’
We have a fresh new selection of the very popular Potters Workshop ceramics, Deziree art cushions and Baba Tree basketry.
Recently, I returned from a carving workshop in Zimbabwe where I spent much time working on something special. A monumental white granite sculpture standing at over three metres tall.
Six weeks into carving the granite sculpture
This sculpture is due to be unveiled at the end of the year at the Buckingham Street courtyard in conjunction with my first solo exhibition - details on the exhibition will be sent out in the coming months.
Into the final sanding stage on the large granite piece.
Whilst Charlotte looks after the gallery I spend much time carving in my Arrow Junction studio workshop. You are very welcome to visit me there. I would be delighted to show you how the sculptures are made.
One of my recent works titled ‘Passage In Time’ on display at the Rees Hotel in Queenstown.
To keep up to date, please follow me on Instagram and Facebook @jack.stobart.studios or visit my personal website www.jackstobart.co.nz
A cabinet of sculpture at Birdwoods Arrowtown.
With a new shipment landing in October, there will be plenty of new works in our galleries just in time for summer.
‘Magnesite Torso’ by Farai Tandi
I look forward to seeing you in Arrowtown soon.
Onwards and Upwards!
Jack Stobart